What an odd week. It has been cold, warm, blue skied and deeply foggy, but - at the very least - NOT the boring monotone grey we had for months of winter. Something is definitely happening…it’s just that you can never be quite sure what. There have been daffodils and birdsong and early mornings that are not pitch black. It’s all quite something. I am still mostly deeply cold though, and still working in fingerless gloves, so let’s not get carried away.
This is our community post in which we track the seasons in their minutiae. I tell you the things that I have noticed this week that felt really ‘this week of the year’ and then you tell me yours, in the comments. At the end of the month I weave them all into a sort of a poem and we all love it. Check out February’s here.
Here’s my start on March’s:
Nectarine flower paintbrush
They are always a bit of a surprise, bright pink flowers (my photo doesn’t do them justice) just when the rest of the garden is bare and brown. My dwarf tree is in the greenhouse, which means that if I remember then I need to pollinate them myself, with a paintbrush, as there are very few bees around to do it for me and fewer still that can operate the greenhouse’s sliding door. It’s a very cute job, I like it. Dainty and productive. I will get twice the number of nectarines if I do this as I will if I forget, and I did it. I will have to keep doing it as more buds open but it is still very very ‘this week’.
A bonus pic from me this week of the incredibly dense morning fog. We are in such in-between times.
That’s it from me. Now over to you. What have you noticed/bought/baked/done this week that felt particularly seasonal, particularly ‘this week of the year’?
Answers in the comments please!
I am sorry you are so cold. I live in California, where winter has become my favorite season, it's the only time it rains for us. I will be jealous of your climate in the summer. (I actually am not thrilled it's spring already. Summers have gotten brutal, so this is one step in that direction.) That said, I wish I could send the photos I took on my walks this week. I did discover that the "volunteer" privet tree in our side yard has little white flowers that smell amazing. We seem to have a common privet tree in the front yard that seems to has dark berries on it, but isn't fragrant.
Enjoying the luxury of some tiny irises in pots in full bloom on our porch - striped, spotted, astonishingly fragrant.