Jun 28Liked by Lia Leendertz

What a great way to bring some good luck Lia! I would have burned my toes ! It has been a while since I left a note, but it is a good one. Some of you have left comments concerning my struggle with my health, well finally, I am having my operation on Tuesday 2nd of July, next week! I hope I will recover and be able to work in the garden, walk out with my friends and family. I know I am not the only person waiting for treatment, but it has been so long long time! I will let you know how it goes.

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I am so glad to hear this Carol. Everything crossed for you, and do let us now how it goes x

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Wishing you all the best Carol. 🌸

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Thank you so much x

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Best wishes for surgery and recovery Carol. X

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All the best for your operation and recovery Carol x

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Thinking of you on Tuesday Carol - and wishing you successful surgery and a good recovery and return to all the things you love! Sue x

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Wishing you all the best for Tuesday and a speedy recovery Carol

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Jun 28Liked by Lia Leendertz

Beach fire magic!!

We are having a Matariki feast tomorrow, marking the Maori New Year, and the Winter solstice. Might have to have a bonfire, too, I'm thinking!

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The festival of the Pleiades right? I love that there are still cultural festivals celebrating the stars 🌌

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Jun 28Liked by Lia Leendertz

Rainy summer weather yesterday, broken by flashes of blue sky and sun. And the joy of a well timed text from my husband on his way home from work - “Chippy tea tonight?”. The best message to receive on a rainy day.

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I walked from the Serpentine Gallery through Kensington Gardens yesterday evening. The sun was still hot and the grass was high and meadowy. The scent of lime trees and great wafts of pollen.

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Such an evocative word picture of a London summer’s evening!

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Oh the trip sounds so magical!! Love, love love.

For me midsummer was a celebration of love by attending a friends wedding and the next day having our annual solstice campout with friends in a (fairly random) field. There was a huge bonfire and communal admiration of the most gorgeous moonrise. People lined up their little camping stools to watch it, popcorn in hand, like they were in a cinema. I also saw a shooting star. Due to circumstances (wiggly kids) I couldn't get a lick of sleep, but I'd say pulling an all nighter is right on theme as well, so it was an intense, but great weekend.

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Feeling very fortunate to have finally had some sun, but not too much sun, here in Newcastle on Tyne. The feel and scent of line-dried sheets was appreciated, especially as it was Hoppings Week, when we traditionally expect exceptionally wet and windy weather because of a witch's curse on the annual Fair on the Town Moor.

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Oh you’ve taken me back to such a happy memory! I grew up in Sunderland and went to the Hoppings only once, as a child. My friend’s dad took us and gave me a pound to spend - seemed like a huge sum of money, I couldn’t believe it. We’re still friends 50 years on. I’ll call her later. It’s lovely to remember her dad.

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Like you I only went to the Hoppings a handful of times growing up Anne, but I still remember it’s hot, dusty dryness, vast size, the sounds and smells and the huge THRILL of it all !

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*Peonies popping!

*Many rainy nights snuggled up safe and cozy in bed, listening to the thunder and rain on the windows.

*Mixed results in the garden so far: successes: asparagus, romaine, alpine strawberries. Failures: butterhead lettuce didn't germinate, and something keeps eating my entire cucumber plants down to the ground (I suspect a chipmunk because he left a peanut shell in the empty spot).

*Reports of bears in the neighborhood, need to take down the bird feeders for a while.

*Skunks are out - a nauseating wake-up call under our bedroom window.

(Michigan, US).

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I took the bird feeder down as I saw a rat, bit different to taking them down for bears!

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Oh wow, I love this, what a different world!

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Celebrating live research by visiting a paper maker making seedpaper collected for making new works -then walked the shore to experience the light of sea & sky where they meet at this special midsummer time . The cliffs held sparkling bands of rose white and deep green quartz and we held our breath at the rockfalls such are liminal spaces disappearing before our eyes - edge spaces of our land .Dancing at the edge of the ocean a theme here 🌊!! Sea air 🌊

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Sounds like a fantastic trip! My seasonal moment of the week was picking dozens of mangetout, fresh and bright green, then cooking them in Thai green curry for dinner that evening 💚

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What a wonderful way to celebrate birthdays and midsummer. Thank you for sharing.

I've been exploring the wonderful trees at Westonbrit Arboretum in warmth and sunshine. Meanwhile reports from back home in Ayrshire tell of cold and rain.

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It has been very hot and dry here in the southern U.S., so everything, including me, is wilting. But the regular cicadas have fired up. Their sound is one that recalls long, boring summer days as a child and summer camp as a teen. I love to hear them—they are the soundtrack to high summer.

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This week, clouds of giant green and black striped dragonflies appeared, hovering and buzzing over sea grapes and palmettos. Finding one no longer flying on the beach, my phone identified it as a swamp darner, a migratory species of Odonata. Have they just arrived from up north or hatched out of the mangrove? So many mysteries in this unfamiliar tropical land!

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Jun 28Liked by Lia Leendertz

Thankyou to everybody who has sent good wishes to me, for my operation! What could go wrong with so many good wishes around me. Love you all xxxx

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Doing Qi Gong on the beach, breathing in and out with the rhythm of the waves on Gower, Wales.

Back home - the jasmine arch is at its peak, I've swept up 3 bowls of fallen flowers, and the stephanotis is filling the house with its scent - do the white flowers smell the best?

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I’m like Goldilocks with summer weather. There was touch of too hot this week, after quite a lot of too cold recently. Then yesterday was just right, a gorgeous summer’s day, with the combination of temperature, wind, blue sky, clouds and sunshine I love best, bringing back memories of other days like this and a wonderful sense of contentment.

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Me too Anne! My dream day is about 20 degrees! Any hotter and I'm hopeless...

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Me too Wendy!

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I might cope with 21, but beyond that it could get tricky 😄

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Looks amazing Lia, love the fire ritual.

This week for me; Watching and being Watched! Amazing to see the sea birds and their chicks on Bempton cliffs. Closer to the local nature reserve, watching chiff chaff in a little used hidden hide, and spotting the fox cub watching us!

A long overdue supper with my friend and sitting on the Cow and Calf rocks chatting and watching the sunset 🌅

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Cow and Calf, lovely spot!

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A long overdue visit!

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