My goodness, what a gorgeous reminder of so many folk living gorgeous moments … a beautiful community scattered but gathered in this one place. Beautiful togetherness,

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It is such a gorgeous community…

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As ever a lovely poem to February, helps me be mindful of my own surroundings and reflect on the month gone by. So many shared observations and love the unexpected ones.

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Aren’t the unexpected ones fabulous!

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Such a joy to read, remember and visualise the collective experiences of this wonderful group - some perfect gems there!

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I’m really enjoying the process of writing down my observations then a look back. I usually get to this point in the year where there is a glimmer of light but feel true light is still far away. This year I’m very conscious of how far we’ve come in 8 weeks. Thank you Lia, for the process and the community.

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These poems are really life affirming. Thank you Lia.

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I always feel February is a really cold and grey month but it really isn’t, we are coming out of hibernation into the light. Fabulous!

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Truly beautiful 🤩 I bought five copies of the Almanac to give as Christmas presents because I wanted to share the joy and enthusiasm of watching the seasons change. So perfect! Thank you dear Lia ♥️🙏🏻

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Thank you Lia, for weaving all of our observations together so skillfully. I find it rather moving, the way a group of strangers can be connected by their love of nature and the seasonal shifts.

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A joy as always. Thank you Lia!

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I so look forward to these glimpses back to tender moments we each have captured. Thank you.

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such a lovely poem Lia


wonderful imagery

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So many different observations and experiences I love reading through these 💕

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Enjoyed this so much with my morning coffee

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Thank you Lia. I love hearing from you and the community every week and the end of the month poem xxxx

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Reflecting on the moments of this short month gave me insight into why it feels so long, the cold, the stillness, the search for elusive signs of spring. Thank you Lia for your vision and energy to keep us going. Thank you to the community for sharing bits of your lives.

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