Jul 30, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Thank you Lia - really enjoyed that! Living in this very rural, agricultural corner of the north we are so aware of the determined harvesting going on all around us, day and often all night! Hearing the huge harvesters rumbling on into the small hours as they try to beat the rain, lorries full of grain in every lane, and spilt grain on the roads speaks of HARVEST daily now. We have our small agricultural shows too, full of beautiful produce as well as celebrating the countryside and rural life. For the farmers all around us this is the peak of their year! We’ll be off blackberry hunting this afternoon so a crumble with those and our own apples, just ripening, will be made from local flour from the mill at Heatherslaw,

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Wonderful! No avoiding harvest season there.

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Thank you Lia 🙏🏻 connecting in more with Lughnasadh this year. 🌾 well into bottling and preserving mode here.

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How fabulous. Good work.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

What a thought provoking piece. Thank you, Lia! I had no idea that blackberries and their brambles ran through time and space from the early agrarian people to so many of us now. Next weekend I’ll be heading up to Northern California for a family gathering known as the BlackBerry Fest. How perfect if fresh wheat is available to add more depth to the celebration. Now onto the Almanac to have a sneak peek at what more is to come in August. Many thanks for your work, which brings joy and meaning to our everyday world.

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Love the sound of Blackberry Fest - it's a bit like that around here!

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

I am baking Blackberry & Pear Crumble with an Almond topping this morning and then on Tuesday a huge Bannock to share round the fire or table with Cheese, Chutney and Ale. Lughnasdh Blessings to all from Torquay. 🌾

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Oh that all sounds delicious

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Thanks Lia 🙏 off to pick the first ripening blackberries and blah some barley off our neighbouring farmer. Sharing a blackberry pie with family and friends along with barley bread on Tuesday.....blessings to all on this harvest month, may the harvest be bountiful ...readying us for the autumn and winter

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Blackberry pie sound like the perfect thing

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Thanks Lia. I've never really engaged with Lughnasadh very much, it's the only point of the wheel that seems to sweep by me every year. Time to do some baking!

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It's a very simple and happy-making answer isnt it

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Whilst listening 🌱Drinking summer tea & wearing ffern summer fragrance -a ritual to mark Lammas and independent businesses making their way through the year marking the Solstices 🌱makers from nature 🌿

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Beautifully spoken Lia. I follow the Wheel of the Year too and down here in the Southern Hemisphere it is almost Imbolc for us! I find that celebrating these festivals in extremely therapeutic and incorporate it in my healing therapies with great affect. Mother Nature, so magickal!

Being a British ex-pat means that I still struggle with the upside down turning of the wheel, so in many ways I celebrate both, one physically and the other mentally :-) x

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Yes I can imagine that is really tricky! Happy almost-imbolc, anyway.

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Enjoyed that whilst comtemplating Sunday's to do list!

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Lovely insight into the seasons and how we can truly celebrate all that nature has to offer. I have preordered the 2024 Almanac and I can’t wait for its arrival

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Thank you so much! x

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Thank you for this wonderful film. I've been celebrating the pagan festivals in some way or other for years now, but Lammas /Lugnasadh somehow always was the one that I found most difficult to mark (perhaps because it's in the middle of the holidays?). However, this year I'm taking my time for a two day celebration with the kids with bread baking, blackberry crumble, baking madeleines, a yellow candle for the ' altar', making a collage and perhaps going to harvest something in our communal garden this afternoon <3.

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That sound absolutely perfect

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Lovely! Lammas always seems to be the festival I’m too busy to acknowledge, but not this year! I shall be baking bread and making blackberry jam this year xx

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Oh gorgeous. Now I want to do the same...

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Thank you Lia, these films are so lovely and really help me stop and appreciate where we are in the year.

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Lovely! That's very much the aim

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

Dear Lia, totally new to Lamas and Lughnasa, love all the info you share. Off to pick Blackberries & to bake a Blackberry cake to share with my loved ones. Thankyou

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Lia Leendertz

How lovely! Busy with allotment produce here. 🌱🌱🌱

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Very Lammas of you...

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Love these - thank you for doing them 😊

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