Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

I ate the last slice of Christmas cake last night, while watching The Traitors 😁 very "early January" energy I think.

I like winter but must admit, having to get up in the dark every morning for the first week back at work has been a bit of a struggle. Slow, dragging days, trying to get myself up to speed. I got my blanket scarf out for the first time this winter, soft and smelling of lavender.

Your writing about lovely dawns has got James MacMillan's 'O Radiant Dawn' stuck in my head, which is no bad thing πŸŒ„

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

Gratefully falling onto the little pots of tete a tete narcissus in the supermarket, happily cramming them and freshly emerging hyacinths into my trolley.

Enjoying the dry bright cold days after endless rain.

Excitedly glimpsing bursts of flaming sunrises and sunsets.

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

I do like winter when it is crispy cold rather than dank, and this week has been a joy for that! 3 things - a surprise snowfall with snowflakes so big they landed on my face without melting, bringing childish glee; the return of the starling squad to our replenished bird feeder (and a feisty robin fighting off all comers!); finally watching 'Detectorists', it was so good we have devoured all 3 seasons in a week, and it brought a little dose of sunshine to January.

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

A week of still cold days whilst walking seeing catkins and buying mimosa for its colour and sweet scent filling our kitchen . Then our amaryllis filling the windowsill with spectacular deep throated scarlet blooms in all their majesty -nature is fabulous and to be celebrated for its colour Fibonacci swirls and delight in these darker days πŸƒπŸŒ±πŸŒΏ

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

I'm rather envious of your blue skies Lia - with the exception of one glorious day, it's been grey here, but thankfully dry. Three things: sentinel trees against steely skies; stews and bakes and casseroles to warm us from the inside; heart lifted by the splashes of colour when the birds visit the feeders. Oh - and also loving The Traitors! Perfect January comfort telly.

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

The first frozen morning this year, and a cold week that feels more like winter should! Finding glassy, unbroken puddles and crunching them ✨

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

January illness .. tis the season I suppose so missed last week :(

Before it struck though - a New years trip to β€˜Silent Valley’, a beautiful reservoir nestled high within the Mourne mountains. High water levels .. water gushing .. man harnessing natures power - the looming mountains look on peacefully as the winter sun glances over them. X

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

Toying with new year intentions, but them not feeling quite right to commit to just yet, it will come.

A few of the still-left Christmas chocolates/biscuits nibbled in the afternoon as a pick me up.

Finding the bird bath frozen over, capturing fallen leaves in the ice, a sculpture!

Januaryitus! Getting out of bed and finding motivation is a struggle! Just 5 more minutes...

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

Ice skating late Wednesday evening when the field partly froze over and enjoying hot chocolate afterwards

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Jan 13Liked by Lia Leendertz

Because we are just emerging from a horrid bout of Covid since New Year’s Eve and energy is still low, and motivation lower still - my outdoor observations are minimal ! We just about managed to pack away Christmas but the house always looks so bare without the cheery festive touches - and that seemed to make us both feel even lower! So I’ve been creating a new seasonal vibe indoors for January which reflects this season of what I call Deep Winter - using the winter-blue sky and the silvery frosts which are the tones of icy winter and beautiful light of frosty days. …..while keeping things cosy and comfortable. I’ve kept some areas set up where I like to sit and read, think, listen to music and knit ( Wintering practices) - but changed the textures, shades and tones. Lots of scented candles, reed diffusers, tiny twinkling tea lights and a sheepskin to add layers of loveliness.

My favourite time of day to sit here is β€œ Dimpsey” - the hour before dusk- what I suppose we’d call twilight. I found this old country word in a book I am reading just now about a Cotswold childhood in the early 20th century- and I just love it!

My daughter Eloise says we should observe this period of deep winter until Candlemas on 2nd February, and that sounds like excellent advice to me !

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Jan 13Liked by Lia Leendertz

I don't feel like I've started the year yet. I've had Covid since last week and I'm only now starting to feel human again. I really felt like I had reimerged into the world today when I noticed that there had been some small, nearly imperceptible change in the bird song. It felt fuller, like more voices had joined the conversation.

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

Went to see a much loved Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) today and it was out, in all it's bright yellow splendour. Wish I could send you all some of the gorgeous, sweet scent. I look forward to it all year 😊 πŸ’›

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

Back to school colds and coughs, more antibiotics. A bit of the January blues this week I have to say. Spotting my first snowdrop. Snuggling under blankets with some good tv.

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

A week of proper January air β€”Β colder and drier

Robins everywhere this week, landing on the car's mirrors and flitting in and out of the allotment

Trimming back the raspberry canes in anticipation of this season's late summer bounty

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

I’ve felt a shift in the season this week. The northeast wind bringing a taste of the colder January weather the garden needs. Winter coats, gloves and hats are no longer always just for show. I’ve heard a mistle thrush singing loud and clear, high in a tree on our road. And finally, a terrible noise outside yesterday lunchtime - two foxes in our neighbours’ garden, making it very clear that it’s breeding season...

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Jan 12Liked by Lia Leendertz

I can feel the days ever so slightly stretching out - closing the curtains later and seeing the dusk after work rather than the dark. I’ve been ordering plants and seeds online and certainly not getting too many, definitely definitely not. And also enjoying evenings just crafting and watching TV, absolutely engrossed in The Traitors!

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