Jun 14Liked by Lia Leendertz

A group of baby wrens tumbled out of the hedge following the adult bird looking very much like pom poms with beaks - collectively called a chime which is a bit lovely. So sweet to see.

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Jun 14Liked by Lia Leendertz

Oh I love that- a chime of wrens!

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You just *know* a chime of wrens is making it into the June poem…

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Jun 14Liked by Lia Leendertz

The view through the rain-streaked window onto the garden today reminds me of how the world used to look 10 days ago before my cataract surgery.

Delighting in the scent of my first stephanotis flower filling the room, with another 8 clusters still to open.

Frequent robin visits, peering in at me, perching on pots, bringing me comfort on our wedding anniversary, as I sit alone these days.

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Oh Mo, beautiful x

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Mo, your post really touched my heart. Literally seeing the world differently must be incredible. I’m glad that robin brings you comfort x

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Thank you Anne x

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After spending more than 20 minutes looking at screens, I always head to the balcony to gaze into the distance and take at least a three-minute break. My balcony is filled with plants, so it's a frequent spot for bees to visit. When I rest my eyes, the bees often fly around within 10-20 centimeters of me. I'm not scared of them, I know they're not interested in me. Their visits remind me that I'm taking good care of those plants, and of myself.

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Sounds idyllic. I love balconies!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Rambling roses escaping into trees blowsy and delightfully scented - the first marigolds planted last season from seeds gathered on a land project in Scotland - orange and yellow planted as companions to the parsley to stop the night raiders .Singing to trees Ash Oak and Willow at the Green Scythe Fair with the hedgerow collective and scythes aplenty -summer is here in festivals but weather still inclement 🌧️🌱🌿🍃

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Popping out first thing to deadhead the roses in my pjs. I love walking barefoot across the cool, wet grass.

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We're in Shetland and the "simmerdim" is as surreal as I expected - waking up to daylight and checking the time to see it's actually 3am felt very strange indeed! The verges are furred with the most amazing variety of wildflowers, including bright yellow irises. Yesterday we went to Sumburgh Head and the wall of sound from guillemots, puffins, kittiwakes and other seabirds (including a couple of bonxies) was cacophonous, absorbing, wonderfully alive!

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That sounds amazing!

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I spent a wonderful couple of hours watching Herons feed their young (I hardly feel I can call them chicks they're so big). They were flying back and forth, to and from their nests high up in the trees at a local country park I visited.

I used binoculars to get a closer look at the 'babies' craning their necks with their huge beaks wide open, looking like I imagine little pterodactyls would have looked 🙂

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Would love to see that!

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Coming home at 10pm after an evening with friends at a pub here in Newcastle and it's still not dark, there's still a feel of urgency and joy about having so much light even if it's raining.

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Light evenings are so special aren’t they?

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As the asparagus comes to an end, we harvest the first broad beans. Colanders full of knobbly green pods, torn open with a thumbnail to reveal the pale-green beans set jewel-like creamy velvet.

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As a 100% plant-based eater, I just love the seasonal change. Yummy broad beans are such a treat.

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*Sun setting at 10pm and falling asleep to baseball on the radio;

*Made first batch of gazpacho of the summer;

*Pelican on Lake Superior!

(Upper Peninsula of Michigan)

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Mock orange time in the garden, three different kinds that open in succession (a happy coincidence rather than any expert planning on my part), my tiny strawberry patch suddenly producing loads of fruit after three fairly pathetic years and wearing the same layers I was wearing in March to go out for my son’s birthday meal last night…

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The week I am noticing the hydrangeas coming in to bloom in the garden, despite the cold, wet weather. And eating delicious jersey potato’s, buttered and seasoned with sea salt and pepper, simple. Wafts of honeysuckle remind me it’s June.

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I’ve been picking regular bowlfuls of strawberries in the garden, breakfast getting eaten on the way back to the house. there have been enough for a jam making session , 6 pots of summer to sustain us through whatever the weather throws at us.

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Cute Coot Chicks (try saying that fast) along with Great Crested Grebe Chicks and Black Necked Grebe Chicks, chicks everywhere, just some of the wonders observed at the nature reserve. Watching the kestrel take prey back to the nest to feed its young and a magpie fly off with someone else’s egg.

But most of all, being surrounded by the amazing swooping swifts, so soothing and peaceful giving me hope. ☀️

Also I made an error in reading my post back last week, Black Toft sands has a colony of tree sparrows not house sparrows, they really do look so different. Apologies for my error 😊

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The first delivery of strawberries from our farm share. Baking up cheesy scones with leeks in them, likely the last baking project for a while. The sun still bright at 9pm. The dreaded arrival of mosquitoes.

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Your dinner outside looks lovely!

This week I noticed the outside garden in full bloom for the first time in weeks. I’ve been so distracted that I haven’t been present with all the flowers, like peonies and roses that have popped up!

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