Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

Another gorgeous post full of positive and beautiful thoughts! Good luck with The Almanac - I have every one and I marvel at how there are so many new wonders revealed each year.

Having complained about cold weather for the WHOLE OF MY LIFE, I'm reframing and instead intending embrace the positive this autumn - if it's cold and wet, I won't let that stop me from going outside and getting into the garden and into nature. The tiny bit of daylight, especially early on in the day, is definitely a real boost along with those Vitamin D drops 💚🌱

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Thank you lovely! And yeah it has to be that way doesnt it...xx

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Good wishes for your 2025 almanac, Lia!

This week I’ve been taking wet weather walks in the countryside. Rivers have broken their banks. Sheep and cattle move to higher ground. Hedgerows offer a final handful of blackberries and rose hips decorate the scene like Christmas baubles. Conkers decide it’s time to drop, and fresh green casings lay on the ground next to those beginning to brown and disintegrate.

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Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

Breakfast candles cult newest member ☺

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Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

Christmas vibes. 🕯️

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Totally agree - just brings the Christmas feels forward a little

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Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

I’ve had a strong urge to take stock, reflect and review, mirrored in the September meditation in the Almanac and the What goes up chapter of Andrew O’Brien’s wonderful book, To Stand and Stare. It’s lovely to let go of things that are no longer right (practically, mentally, whatever…) at a time when the leaves are starting to fall. This week I’ve been replanting my three small vegetable beds with perennial herbs. I’ve gardened in the same place here in Sheffield for 25 years, learning to plant things that don’t get eaten by slugs and snails. And then five years ago I thought I should try growing vegetables… Turns out it’s not for me 😄 but I felt a bit guilty about giving up. I’ve let go of that!

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I love Andrew book To Stand And Stare too, I heartedly agree that that particular chapter is a good one.

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Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

Another fan of breakfast candles and fairy lights here! The changeable autumn weather has brought a week of rainbows as the sun and rain collide. We acquired a new little flock of rescue chickens on the equinox and it has been a joy to watch them getting braver as they explore the outside world for the first time.

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It's been a dramatically wet, windy and dark week, but I also have bulbs ready to plant, as a promise of next spring.

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Mine arrived this week as well 💛

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I loved this - a perfect excuse to curl up with the candles lit. I have enjoyed seasonal, home- made apple and blackberry flapjacks 🍁

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Yes to breakfast candles!

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Sep 27Liked by Lia Leendertz

I loved listening to your interview Lia 🙂 well done - the nerves you mentioned were definitely not apparent.

This week it seems to have been all about the rain here in South Birmingham, with lots of floods yesterday - the downpours have been heavier than I've seen in a long time. My wellies live permanently by the back door now, in case I need to get outside quickly to unblock the drain or do more cutting back in between the storms.

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Thank you! x

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Leaves whirling

A black nose sniffing the ground until one flies by

He chases it, immediately confused which one it was

Soon there will be piles to rustle through!

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The sound of rain drumming on the roof. Dripping coats all over the kitchen.

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Pockets full of acorns and autumn leaves!

Weekend plan is to preserve some of the leaves in beeswax 🥰

I love the candles idea but worried I’ll forget to blow them all out before I leave the house!!!

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Weak sunlight after the Sunshine of Scotland .. finally ripening tomatoes incredible in this low light 🙏 the herbs are starting to go over but bunches hanging in our kitchen bring the outside inside in somatic waves . Candles in the evening & fires will bring a certainty that we are into late autumn -awaiting the crunch of leaves as they drop down gently from the trees .Conkers collected for saponin a free natural laundry detergent so to work 🍁🍁🍁

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I make conker detergent too. Hubby bought back a huge bag of conkers yesterday which had fallen in the ghastly wind and rain we had yesterday. My stash is growing.

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how do you use the conkers for laundry?

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There is a recipe from Nancy birtwhistle in her book Clean & Green plus you can just crush the horse chestnut leaves and rub your hands to create a saponin wash when out walking - it’s the saponin that cleanses / 🌿

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great to learn that, thank you!

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Harvesting apples, soggy blackberries and raspberries and making a crumble.

Soup for lunch rather than salad.

Roses, salvias, pelargoniums and clematis undaunted by the rain, a bunch of soapwort fills the kitchen with scent.

A couple of frogs and a grass snake by the stone wall in the wild garden, they don’t seem to have made a difference to the vast quantities of slugs and snails this year.

The wood burner is lit in the evening more for cheeriness than anything, but the cats appreciate it.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

Feeling cosy in a little fisherman’s cottage in Brittany, outside I can see the egrets and greenshanks searching for gifts left by the ebbing waters of the gulf. Inside we are warmed by the heat from the logs burning in the ancient fireplace which bring the smell of pinewoods inside.

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On the equinox i inadvertently contemplated time, sitting at the top of Trinity Buoy Wharf Lighthouse, listening to the singing bowls of Longplayer (https://longplayer.org/listen/live-stream/). An Artangel installation set to beam to listening stations across the world for 1000 years.

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