I hope you have all had a lovely week. My life continues unmoored in now a different airbnb! With luck by the next time I write I will be in my own home, luxuriating in my new…er plug sockets and ceiling. A huge amount of upheaval for something so hard to feel any great measure of joy about. Perhaps the most adult and anti climatic thing I have ever spent several thousand pounds on.
This is our weekly community post in which I write about something seasonal I have noticed or done this week and then you write about yours in the comments. At the end of the month - now beginning to loom - I stitch them all together and we make up a picture of the month just past. It is made of simple things but always ends up more than the sum of its parts.
Here’s mine:
We have been walking in different parks in the mornings and on Redland Green I heard this! Sound up! First woodpecker pecking of the year. What a treat. Please do let me know if you can identify any of the other birds in this clip as I still have not downloaded that app onto my aging and increasingly decrepit phone…
That’s it from me, now over to you: what have you noticed/seen/eaten/smelt this week that felt particularly ‘this week of the year’? Please leave your answers in the comments.
Saw my first clump of delicate, beautiful snowdrops: always a joy as they really herald the triumphant coming of spring. They stop me in my tracks, I love them so much. However they are getting earlier every year which worries me. My birthday is 21 February in the mid 1980s. My Mum always called them my birthday flowers because back then, they emerged a whole month later. That's climate change for you.
I certainly felt "blue Monday" this year. Also, I'm not sure if it is the time of year, but I have heard the robins singing all the way through the night this week. I've been buying haggis, neeps n tatties for tomorrow night too!